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It is very much to the point.The renew party inner part always has no lack of a fame imposing Hong scholar.But in addition to impress outside have no a person can become the tutor of renew party real meaning, this even if is Chen Zi strong is no exception with Chen Bang Yan.Double Chen of so can control a party duty so for several years in addition to they is outside near concern with his majesty, to a great extent that is also decided by east Lin Dang's existence,dr dre beats.Thought of my Huang Zong Xi finally understood the Chen at east problem wood up remain of moderate attitude.Can do so isn't a personal private interest but wildly attend to a principle?
At Huang Zong Xi hesitant of, see Chen Bang Yan of its idea to smile a work to answer a way:"Is too blunt, you probably feel to do so the way of againsting the gentleman.But this is also thinking for renew party writing.You have to understand a party leader representative of isn't his individual but is the whole political party.It is maintaining a wild position of renew's party in government at the same time, also want to every moment notice the incorporation in the party.This has to do a business that is some to against reason, even still have to take an oneself person to have operation.Is positive such as the proposal pit of this king's man check a culture and education department similar.Don't forget a culture and education book Zhu Shun Shui but east Lin Dang's elder statesman is still.I wait now in addition to the party in government is wild to carry through renew of assertion and spirit of party.With east wood it flow of opposition party's squaring off is also an important activity.Current effect how inhibit an east wood, prevent°from the position that it threatens my renew;Doesn't press again it too dead, so as not to arouse suspecting of his majesty and world common people, being any party leaderses must face of problem.Is too blunt, you are a renew party now then is green strong parties in seldom handsome just, this truth in which believes that you are definitely also understand.It is very difficult party in government hall existence to sometimes follow the way of gentleman too much."
"The adult teaches BE.Student this returns to a Zuan text to mean to support pit to check."Huang Zong Xi's an arch hand did end decision.
Face Huang Zong Xi's attitude, Chen Bang Yan satisfied location nod a way:"Boon, old man will also now the matter carry on with adult to negotiate.The pit checks a matter to seem have already necessarily become to go now of power.Key is how should to the litigation that may appear after."
Listen to Chen Bang Yan so on saying, Huang Zong Xi's brain neutrally engraved and then presented Liu Fu Chun's case in those early years.Don't know from when rose litigation to become the Hong Wu Chao Yi's craze.But any authorities is a bit not satisfactory of raise, by all means will appear the certain context like"litigation" on the newspaper.Although at last and truely tell the officer's person to combine not much.Can be thus threatenned by the little people finally is a disgraceful matter to big masters.But see Huang Zong Xi right away and then the concern ground asking a way:"Is quite good, this is really like east Lin Dang's style.That this culture and education department is true of such as outside rumours of so gain private ends in the name of public of suspicion?"
" The culture and education department make collective report to see currently, the man sons being dismissed all have ample reason to prove with the evidence that they publicizee sorcery Gu during the period of teaching.Be rich with controversy of mostly is a dismissing of private academy decision."Chen Bang Yan thought answer for a while way.
"Thus and very good.If is that so words, we not afraid east Lin Dang Song's court."Huang Zong Xi listens to long long the ground is comfortable tone way.
"Only wish.The concrete circumstance still have to see further survey but settle."Chen Bang Yan declines to comment ground to say.
"If it had been known that, previous should beseech his majesty not to have to be northern line of.If there is a his majesty staying in, quantity east wood that helping a person don't dare to do as well beyond bounds of raise."Huang Zong Xi is some to displeasedly say.
"Is too blunt, have already become the matter of settled situation need not many arguments.The his majesty faces to walk of since entrusted the city teacher to I etc., my etc. will let the his majesty return to after a month to stabilize peaceful city teacher."Chen Bang Yan pushes heart to place interior region to say.
Realizing this time culture and education department affairs may be once to Huang Zong Xi of oneself ability test, immediately understood Chen Bang Yan today why want to discuss a such topic with oneself here.For an instant he not from the ground feel a burst of hair of his own back cool, inwardly in mind blame and scold oneself too the gist.Unless there is Chen Bang Yan's this time reminding, oneself perhaps until the impress returns to Kyoto still just my Hun however don't feel, even the still possible Niang big disaster comes.However since have already known the beginning and end of back now, Huang Zong Xi's brain wide awake to come over a while.But see him part by leap and bound calculate in the brain how to hand over answering of a satisfaction book for impress at the next day, part then with thousand times appreciate of the tone started to profoundly make a Yi way to Chen bang Yan:"The student definitely doesn't is ungrateful to the expectation of his majesty and everybody adult."
When Huang Zong Xi and Chen Bang Yans discuss in the Nanking how to deliver to answer book toward the impress of, another have some with concealed intentionses are Central plains also closely paying attention to authorities and folks often break out of fight for argument.Along with the coverage of the rapid development empire report industry of China dynasty shipping land transportation is also more and more wide.Pass newspaper even if is body place a long distance outside of Korean peninsula as well ability in the shortest time in understand emperors all all of the affairs taken place by Nanking.Be subjected to these properties that come from dynasty in the sky fast influence, always the custom keeps of also there is gradually business tendency in Korean peninsula, even and someone puts forward and is like dynasty study in the sky to establish a parliament.But this the suggestion not only wasn't accepted by Li Chao, on the contrary be subjected to the whole Korean scholar wood's consistent attack.Because party in government fresh doctor Shis see come if Lee toward learning the China dynasty establishment parliament to practice a new policy, that certanly will mean that company Gu will be a new influence and scholar wood to battle out an its party in government wild governance position.Have never once experienced a battle fire to trample upon, again steady holding Korean Korean scholar wood of political situation people's livelihood 200 years certainly can't with ease hand over a he or she's crosier.More more fundamental Korean Wang Li 淏 to start into to all eventually stand on the scholar a wood part, this just makes Korean doctor Shis bottom annoy hundred percent.
Certainly Korean Wang Li 淏's support is to in brief proceed from reason.Being a Korean condition scholar wood must"new policy" upholding all alone for it play trumpet to lift Jiao son.Li 淏's new policy isn't and outside spoken of be imitate to Central plains develop business and manufacturing industry, develop firearms to construct warship.Just a little what to have differentiation BE, this a series of new policy is all completely conducted by Li Chao official skill.Every profitable trade item almost drive the authorities die hopeless situation Zuan at hand in.Even still strictly limit a civil boats and ships material at Li Chao of voyage artillery, in order to prevent the illegal Diao people produces threat to the imperial government.
Compare before a few Lus Lu have no is again Korean king of timidity funk, Li 淏 inherited of the achievement really make him become to compare the generation that a life time believes in gentleman.However make a fresh start the actual effect of government but don't calculate ideal.Li Chao when the revenue from tax increases, but the political situation is once and again turbulent, slave's riot everywhere have occurrence.If the kingly decision has no thick not, and also have no the words of the minister in power of Ning in the dynasty, that problem certain at the external world.The viewpoint Li Chao's king and his ministers feeling thus was unanimously very quick and then pointed to a pike head China dynasty.Think the corrupting influence evil ways that is Central plains exactly that"have no father have no gentleman", "however the benefit is a diagram" influenced originally simple people's customs in Korea.But Central plains of the dishonest traders are also the taxes squeezed out of the peoples that penetrates everywhere ground to take Korea, let"new policy" that Li Chao hard develops attach of the east flow.
Have this kind of combining of viewpoint in fact is much more than Li 淏's king and his ministers.With their fellow sufferers understand each other big someone at.This among them relate to then be initiating a Wo country most closely.Speak of a Wo country relationship with Korea, that isn't what a few words spoken can say get pure way gets clear.The special position of in short geography lets two country knots descend great enmity.However now at present same embarrassing situation but let two family background enemies"forget all past quarrels" to walk to together.
"At under Jin Heng loyalty in island is subjected to my father Sa Mo the life of the lord come to Jin to see his majesty especially."In a den of Korean palace deep place, a young man who stays Wei Ji from the soldier respectully salutes a way to Korean king.
"Special envoy far way Er come all the way hard."Sit upright fore of Korean facial expression king superciliously nod a way.In his eyes Sa Mo however is a Fan town of Wo country to come to this Jin to see oneself originally the adoption's gift of the king and his ministers.Unless see in the other party is an of the son of the Sa Mo Fan lord up, Li 淏 even can't come to see him in person.
"My father always all pretty much admire the knowledge of his majesty, call that the his majesty meets for difficult a hundred years of have a gentleman.Today can see with one's own eyes his majesty saint to permit Heng loyalty to be overwhelmed by special favor."The eye sees the other party air apathy, Jin Heng loyalty in island hurriedly and again developed Wo person the vulgar Gong sit with crossed knees of tradition.
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