
cheap beats by dre l an inside to fear

The military group organizes.
The United States and Canada, England and France, Belgium and Holland, Luxembourg and Denmark, Norway and Iceland, Portugal and Italy total 12 countrieses signed 《convention in North Atlantic 》 in Washington and marked that NATO formally establishes on April 4, 1949.The convention takes effect on August 24, 1949.
Close so far, member stateowned 28:The United States, England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Canada, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Estonian, pull tuo Wei second, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Romania, Slovak and Slovenia, Croatia and Albania and Iceland.
Their main aims are:The member country is collectively defending duty and maintenance peace and safe aspect joint effort, promote the stability and welfare of North Atlantic region.
But sea of NATO allies, but is a Vietnamese to organize, this NATO allies, the comprehension of Zhang Zhe Qian's layer is a name, concrete this name represents of meaning, he still not ability complete assurance, along with understand continuously thorough, Zhang Zhe can affirm this organization isn't a surface so in brief, at least, he leads long to pull an American.
As for the American is in this organization the position of place, that was the key place of problem, however have some piece Zhe already certain, that is the parliament be over later he the first want and deal with of, is this organization, if can make this organization and carat virtuous and be hostile to each other, so Zhang Zhe the development from now on will be very smooth.
When did Zhang Zhe wide awoke from contemplate and just discover that sea Rui's pulling be twinkling a pair of big eyes to tightly stare at their oneselfs and have a words how to say to wear?The man who hard gets up has flavor most !At this moment, the sea Rui pulls to approve this sentence very much.
Zhang Zhe coughed 1 and started a way:"Those Americans is where, I see them!"
The sea Rui pulls to hurriedly say:"In the toilet, I leave 56 people'invite'they!"
"What about another two people?"What Zhang Zhe pointed is maimed Chen Nan and together comes with him of under charge.The sea Rui pulls a smile way:"Those American guys are a set of to interrogate to have much of, two of him's wound has no superficially so serious, at the latest tonight can wake up."
Zhang Zhe's point nods and have no again say more what, the sea Rui pulls to know an interest very much and does a signal of invitation and leads Zhang Zhe toward the toilet.
Pull an inside they are closed in not enough toilet of 20 even rices, begun arm by Gao Gao Diao, three people are distinguishing shot to beat their belly, continuously send out the voice of wolf Hao, the weeping and sniffling stayed a full face, the incisor lacked half.When Zhang Zhe entered a house see scene like this.Those training camp brotherses see Zhang Zhe coming in and stopping to bend from the waist together a way:"Young master!"
The sea Rui pulls to nod to signal hint, one person once moved a to put chair at Zhang Zhe nearby, Zhang Zhe smiles and raise cross-legged to sit is pulling in their in front.Pull an inside be full of to terrifiedly looking at Zhang Zhe at the moment, the quivering voice says:"You are this shameless guy, you …you had better put us and deny …otherwise you are very miserably mortal!"
"H'm?!"Zhang Zhe saw his one eye and had never thought this guy to by this time dare to also threaten himself/herself, not from sneer way:"See to you eat the suffering is still not enough!You are severals, teach him how to talk first!"The flank person promises a , pull in fall down in the ground to suddenly and violently kick.Led not and arrive half for minute, pulling the inside already confused state of mind, yell:"Do not beat, oh!I …I am getting wronger, the Sirs, don't beat!"
Zhang Zhe flicks, the under charge person stopped action.Looking at pulling of whole body blood stain inside, Zhang Zhe's eye pupil turns and sparks a cigarette:"Pull an inside, if you want to live a life and you other companions contact and let them come over here!"
Pull an inside to shockedly looking at Zhang Zhe,cheap beats by dre, fear a way:"You …what do you say?I don't understand.Other companions?Very …very sorry, here we are severals, there are no other companions!"
Zhang Zhe smiled to want to think, flank an under charge call come over, Fu said severals in the his ear small voice, that person's side listenned to the side nod, etc. Zhang Zhe finishes saying and quickly ran to go out.Pull in looking at oddness, don't know that Zhang Zhe wants to do what, loudly say:"You have to beat and then beat, even if kill me, I also call to come to other companions not, because really only we are several personal, there are no other companions!"At the moment for pull inside to say, those conceal at secretly of brothers is they the hopes finally, he knows as long as oneself didn't die, those people will definitely save himself/herself, on the contrary if even they are also grasped here, see with the malicious hot means of this Chinese people, their these people makes not and very all get the Liao is here.So pull an inside really very can't just do dauntless person once.
Under the normal circumstance, pulling the inside is to don't mind to betray companion to promise oneself's safety, this is from he betray a section especially with the promise can see.
But soon pull an inside hard don't get up.The person being just called by Zhang Zhe to go out runs back, the hand inside still carries a laden wine jing burns of copper basin.Zhang Zhe saw an eye pull an inside, loudly way:"Be three to all let go of for me they!"
Pull an inside to fear desperately in their heart, violent struggle, "you ……you exactly want to do what, release us …oh!"The training camp brothers comes forward malicious kicked two feet on their lower abdomen, pull an inside 3 people the felling stomach of the pain the good elephant shrink together, any further call make no noise.
Zhang Zhe's grasping to light a fire has been already burned in the basin the zhi is hot of bayonet, slowly Dian to pull inside three human faces before, stare at three scared people of tremble with fear, suddenly gentleness on smiling, pull in early be frightenned by Zhang Zhe's strange action frighten into inaction, see Zhang Zhe Yi smiling favour to all nod to compensate to smile.Zhang Zhe raises that bayonet that sends forth heat wave to lightly flutter, is before beaten by oneself toward that dizzy of promise smile way:" Promise BE?"
" Promise ·Shi Wa Xin's space."That guy full head the big sweat answer a way.Zhang Zhe Yi smiles and nods a way:"Is quite good, you compare terminator inside of the promise is much more handsome!"
"BE?" Promise subconscious mo mo cheeks, look is also from love of guy.
Zhang Zhe has been being smiling, slowly will burn a red bayonet to raise the promise is at present, red simply reflecting on the face of Zhang Zhe's dark on the bayonet unexpectedly compares to fix Luo bad very ooze a person more, let that the promise Be getting more nerve-racking, don't know this Chinese people to prepare to play what pattern.But Zhang Zhe suddenly ask a way again:"Hear to pull Er man to like a man, you can't be him Pin head?"
"This how may, I am to have girl friend, say again, pull Er man, he doesn't like a man ……."The promise subconscious shake to answer a way, the section of flank nervously shouts loudly especially, " promise!" The promise pour bottom not to calculate too stupid, know interest of shut mouth, affect a show a way:"Pull Er man?Who is pulling the Er man ?"
However he again keep on packing nothing important function also, because he that"pull Er man not to like a man" already thoroughly the bao expose the identity of pulling the Er man, previous Zhang Zhe in the doubt, although the dreamlike number comes to many irrelevant persons,those people all live below the 30 F, but this how many Americans can live in the 41 F, if have never pulled Er man the words of this captain arrangement, they with what identity live into?
Before have been already mentioned, all not qualified as Suo second their these people live above in the 40 F, besides this a few Americans, so Zhang Zhe completely has reason to believe, this a few Americans definitely have something to do with pulling Er man to fasten, and this kind of relation the ratio commonness relate to much complicated!

Text 235 chapters see Dong Xiao Wan again!
Renew time:2010-5-232:44:55 chapter word numbers:8160

"If I didn't guess wrong, pulling the Er man should be a CIA person, and the position is still not low."Zhang Zhe tightly stares at promise, sneer way:"You if smart saying, should introduce in detail to pull Er Mr. Fu for a while, am I very interested in him."
Promise drive Zhang Zhe Zha became cleverness many now once, once eyes shut, all what rubbish don't say, no matter how Zhang Zhe press, is a with you how ask, I what Related articles:

