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Drive, the price is lower, so is good war ship and merchantman.The weakness is a basic sailor to count too many, 40, want an oar so so many people.(Gold tooth the third flagship.The sailor excessive weakness isn't problem at the gold tooth, because is inshore to go into business, the gold tooth provides of rise, conveniently train navy's soldier.)
17, bark Xebec:It Be sailed to the big medium-sized ship of littoral in Mediterranean.
18, armed quick ship Frigate:(18, have big gun in 19th century of)three Fan rapid battleship.A kind of high speed in 17, 18, 19th century, medium-sized take the Fan war ship escort of warship, the displacement is in 4000-9000 tons and mainly used for escort.Expert calls that it owns the capacity of Spanish carrack and the speed of the quick ship, but true war in but strong bearer idea, accumulate to carry quantity little, the price is the highest, so almost the nobody is used this kind of ship(in addition to John of Lisbon.The method thunder Er once equiped 10).
19, Chinese type sailboat:a kind of Chinese type flat bottom sailboat, there is Gao Gao's Wei building and fixed of ship Fan.Medium wait horizontal of ship, extensive terminology Chinese coast of voyage and trade, but the sailor counts only have 100, the artillery is 40, be placed in bad situation in the combat.The anti- Wo race heros like Li Hua Mei,etc of so at to obtain one and other victory in the combat of Japanese invaders, depend of is an outstanding military then can with the intelligence of the Chinese, not the achievement of this kind of flatboat.
20, gunboat Venetian Galeas(s) in Wearnes:the pirate particularly like of war ship.Accumulate to carry 950, 50 cannon, 400 sailors.It is a very overall ship combat and explore only time and armor warship, and have oar, Be not afraid of breeze to have no.Excellent bombardment dint and near war ability, mobile dint and hard degree are also quite good.The weakness is to accumulate the ability of carrying too weak, sail medium usually have no water food, so is be good at the half way pirate that robs a replenishment of particularly love.(Red beard and the old gold tooth fleet that black beard lead equip this kind of war ship, the strong fleet once controled Gibraltar straits, but was uniting with Europe to fail in the naval battle of quickly anti- fleet afterwards, and the big department was sunk by the shot.)
21, large steamer Full-rigged Ship:The steamer of material integrity.150 cannon, 1100 accumulate to carry, own the strongest bombardment dint, near war ability and accumulate the ability of carrying.Comprehensive function high mark.
22, three Wei large sailboat Barge:The Si gives Er in the cloth and all Berlin's ability of the manufacturing is second only to the carrack of large steamer, function is more almost than big steamer, price but about, three pushing forward of Wei carracks dint, change direction dint all stronger than large steamer get many, and the hard degree is also higher than big steamer, this makes to pursue strong bombardment dint and accumulates to carry quantity of at the same time, can also get aer little higher mobile dint.And the tallest bombardment dint, near war ability of the big steamer and accumulate the ability of carrying to compare, what three Wei carracks own is better and mobile dint and hard degree to make up the shortage that bombardment and machine carry.
23, armor warship:The exaltation type of gunboat in Wearnes, is suffused with to use sex very high, far sail, fight, trade to return to calculate excellent, represent in 16th century the tallest level of small Japanese voyage industry.300 people upper limit, change direction 95 push forward 95, 100.The threat being ex- to expect to Li Hua Mei's fleet is very big, but in the middle after and treasure ship replication of country come out, the ironclad ship loses combat advantage in East Asia waters and escapes to still go.But the star class warship ship of the gold tooth armor little Long Chuan after developing, the ironclad ship connects the opportunities for escaping all had no.
24, turtle ship:Originally the outer shell of battleship wraps sheet iron, the shape is like turtle, the general name for"turtle ship".The turtle ship around puts full awl knife, or so front and back constitution artillery inside the cabin, the thermodynamic power direction is free from restriction, the ship form is quickly clever, act, defendoof super strong.Each hull grows more than ten Zhangs, breadth one Zhang is many, deck on have the crest that the thick wood makes into the cover, and bind sheet iron, can cover water soldier on board to keep enemy's firearms from projecting, the crest covers with deck beside and pack many sharply and greatly nail with cleek, the enemy doesn't dare to climb and install a big group leader on the ship's bow and up wear two big gun eyes, the head and tails all have metal point pole, when it's necessary can use to pound at enemy's ship.The hull is front and back or so to have 74 gun eyes, the shooter can interiorly spread firearms by Fu.The hull is two again each establish 10 big oars, all row, if the hasty Chi flies.Plus the hull is very big, can load a lot of drinkings and food, this makes the turtle ship be suitable for a surface long war. The weakness is that the thermodynamic power is too weak, transports troops a number too little, easily drive enemy the ship thermodynamic power inhibit, passive suffer beating.Benefit in quick set of, not proper front side decisive battle.The ironclad ship of Japan and the turtle ship of Korea represented two extreme achievements respectively:One is huge but stupid, one is cleverly made but rapid, the ironclad ship is a nautical fortress, and the turtle ship is deceitful special forces.
25, and big treasure ship(deep-sea type):grow 61.2 meters, the breadth is 13.8 meters, the displacement is more than 1500 tons.Gunwale, defending a wave design the top is very advanced, used a V type ship body at the earliest stage, large iron anchor man.The treasure ship is in the stability and defend to sink there is also original design on sex.Ship Gao Wei Duo, there are 5 Weis, many 7 Weis, 9 Weis, drive breeze function good, the power is big.The artillery is 150, the thermodynamic power is also very strong.The weakness is vivid sex shortage.
26, armor little Long Chuan:The big voyage ages boats and ships investigates a pole representative.Equal to one modernizes cruiser.The battleship of gold tooth fleet.At that time had no boats and ships is its opponent.
The emergence of the concerning turtle ship,and big treasure ship and armor little Long Chuan.
The game is small Japan to build, gold tooth one book is our Chinese to write.So the ironclad ship and the pass shipses all compare cow B in the game, book inside Chinese ship is the coolest.In fact, if the then Ming Dynasty isn't to close the border to lock a country, the shipbuilding technique absolutely gets to run level in the world!An and treasure ship displacement for 1500 tons, but the total tonnage of west exploration tall ship adds just several 100 tons after several a hundred years!

The sail II sets 2 supporting roles enactments
Renew time:2009-4-314:46:39 chapter word numbers:2860

The voyage hero beginning starts enactment(attention, the beginning starts enactment!These voyage heros are served to an independent fleet, have the independence development the right, when the gold tooth meets them the level of the other party probably raises.The another discard doesn't lift.):
The hero age sail class war class dominates the voyage courage swordsmanship magic power technical ability
Li Hua Mei 1812159890100100100 measure cannon will hand over(Ming Dynasty volunteer army will get.The spring state board of trade president of association.The anti- Wo race hero.Beauty.Is the gold tooth?Wife.)
Love a child 14118888888888 have no(black little girl.Followed behind the gold tooth's on the water life since childhood, developed a potential very big, future of star.Want a wife who be the gold tooth, the gold tooth is hesitant in ……)
Anna.The fertile Er is fertile 17111008080100100 measure cannon will hand over(the Doctor's female, outstanding knowledge female, swordsmanship and her knowledge are equally great and deep this ages.Jin Ya wants to be the wife to her, Anna is hesitant in ……)
Wellington.The fertile Er is fertile 65118681918992 measure cannon will hand over(Doctor.Great scientist.Pushed the development of 16th century voyage science and technology.)
The Fu Lang west Si·Virtuous thunder gram 2510109272888683 cannons(sea devil king.Six one of the ocean thieveses,cheap beats by dr dre.Prototype:The Ao gives.The Si guest promise pulls)
Ma Xiu.Objective case 2210108178908579 cannons(fight a king.The Fu Lang west Si·The virtuous thunder gram gets dint assistant.)
Carter Lin Nuo.Moxa orchid Ci 189118078869295 cannons(red female pirate.The gold tooth adores of object.Six one of the ocean thieveses)
Fu orchid gram.Mulberry many 2112137555798065 cannons(excellent navy's first lieutenant.Carter Lin Nuo.Getting of moxa orchid Ci dint assistant.)
Anne virtuous Lu.Ji virtuous 208107044958270 cannons( Related articles:

