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To the scene like this, almost all public insides all know what this will mean.Despair, cut up rough, the sorrow filled the air the whole tent.However have the operating table the thou Si absolute being in Delhi of the front just always keep a town settle, although his forehead ascends have already spread all over a sweat as well.Canning be other on the scene will get and then have no him so the town settled.Sees have been already cut up rough the unspeakable Yao gold brandish a fist and shout a way in anger:"Damn of, so will is this kind of matter.Many Er guns you are this coward, unexpectedly use thus mean, mean means!Still have close armed escort and artillery regiment are all difficult to pour is have rice.The Da sons all depended so nearly, unexpectedly some reactions all had no."
Drive Yao gold so one Rang Rang is the flower of Wang Yun whom the close armed escort grows as well ashamed lowly head.Although check to explore to show that 1 of just pure soldier that start probes to ride a soldier according to the after the event.Very probably because the reason mistake of heavy mist beats a mistake to bump to approach artillery battlefield.Although the heavy mist lowered visibility, the armed escort had no to discover damages in time in person.But regardless have 1,000, 10,000 reasons can not become oneself to open to take off of reason.If can of the words Wang Yun's flower rather what to lie on the surgical operation on the stage is herself.And she was also in mind to embrace to settle decision such as if prime minister's adult this time really any further come to not, that she is also disgraced again live again this in this world.At this time, self-reproach not already not only only is Wang Yun's flower, the artillery is round and round long the farmland is brave also very anxious to seek a ground to sew to keep on drilling.No matter how it is, prime minister's adults all meet a sting in his battlefield.Therefore the farmland is brave is also a difficult Ci its Jiu.
See Wang Yun the flower and farmland brave etc. will get pale but again sorry and ashamed facial expression.History can the method know in fact to compare in their heart at this moment whichever persons want to regret to all have to be anxious.And oneself did it ever also not is such.But see him hurriedly come forward a dozen of circles field way:"The Yao general calms down first for a while and calms down for a while."
"Calm down?In the morning prime minister's adult livingly and together you patrol artillery battlefield together.Now but became this pair shape, you call how our warrior calm down."The Yao gold raised the voice Rang Rang way.But led to come one side Zhang Jia Yu Be a burst of and harsh voice to reprimand angrily to:"Yao gold you make enough have no.This is where, how permit you are here loudly Rang Rang.If you again call, influence Delhi thou the Si absolute being save to cure just, I this kicks out you!"
Along with Zhang Jia Yu so on roaring, the Yao gold also has to immediately shut last mouth.However anxious fire Liao of he remains an uneasy ground walk around in the big debt.At this time, but see a history can the method inwardly deliberated some kind of after, the openings is to the public suggestion way:"Everybody general, you saw a prime minister an adult such important event, the whole army top and bottom again public was unsteady.We rather and now blare Jing to withdraw troops and temporarily cease fire."
Give history can method so on reminding, other immediately become more difficult to look the air getting.After all clear now, pure two soldierses open hostilities forthcoming, a terrific fight is imminent.Is it happened that at this time the commander-in-chief meet a sting, life and death don't Bu.The morale stroke of this rightness of clear soldiers top and bottom is undoubtedly fatal.Also luckily clear soldier the military discipline is strict clear in normal times, character over hard, and then have the forerunner's army system, so as to keep stable.If change to do is an one-time clear soldier to meet this circumstance most likely early have already lost confidence, the whole line Kui backs.But can stabilize morale of troops is one thing, can open hostilities is an another matter.At present this circumstance who all don't know once open hostilities the variable that will take place what kind.Originally confident clear soldier commanding generals also seemed to be to have no a whereabouts at the moment.
"Absolutely can not cease fire!"Suddenly a dispassion but again town settle of the voice broke dead silent.The Xiao cloud station that sees have been opening mouth comes out to firmly say:"This battle must according to appointment keep on beating!"
"Xiao chief of staff, this all when.Want to know to want to blockade news at present for already late, can not use how long the whole army officers and mens will know that the commander-in-chief meets the news of sting.Thus, the morale of our army certanly will be rubbed.Try to ask this circumstance still need to continue to keep on beating.Doing not forget prime minister's adult to still lie on my life and death don't Bu."History can method eyebrows a wrinkly according to to work hard for a way,beats by dre solo.In his eyes the matter arrives at present can occupy an invincible position is the biggest victory.
"The of course not is to blockade the time of news now, since prime minister's adult's meeting the news of sting has already not deceived to live.That is simply to go out the true circumstance announcement of prime minister's adult." Xiao cloud nowise concedes of continue to say.
"You, you say what!You unexpectedly want prime minister's adult the current condition announcement go out!Absolutely committed tomfoolery too much, had already committed tomfoolery too much.Xiao chief of staff, your doing so is absolutely disturbing morale of troops!"Canning not considering of a reserved history any further can method flustered and frustratedly Rang way.He just and still just the heart bedrock calculate how to cover up the news that Sun Lou is in imminent danger.Can Xiao cloud but want affair one thou brains the ground completely give.This how can don't let again history can the method is anxious.
"History still book, my doing so is for the sake of the stability morale of troops.Prime minister's adult's meeting the news of sting has already spread to open in the soldier now.The warrior of underneath will certainly surmise the peace or chaos of prime minister's adult each other, various rumor also probably now produces.If we now again intentionally mental reservation will copy the whole affairs more more black.So urgent matter of the moment, we should boldly clearness fact, re- tidy up banners and drums, exterminate many departments of Er Gun of opposite.Believe to regardless is prime minister's adult, still the warrior of underneath definitely also hope that this can continue to keep on beating!"
"But Xiao chief of staff, you how can affirm news again one announcement, can't fight morale?Fighting is forthcoming, the commander-in-chief meets a sting, and affair like this' putting may result in to collapse at the whichever troops."History can the method repeatedly shake head to counter-question a way.
Facing the history can counter-questioning of method, Xiao cloud says by the tone of very firmness one word:"This I didn't also have confidence.But I believe our warriors!"
"I also believe our warriors."Lowered the head to deliberate some kind of after, Zhang Jia Yu also nods to stand to Xiao cloud part.
"I also agree."Is close behind, Yao gold, Gao Yi Gong, is go to Yan Er plum to etc. person to also agree the suggestion of Xiao cloud.See a public one mouthful to decide with phrase to want, history can the method know oneself a difficult row many ideas, also had to ride with the current ground to recognize tacitly this matter.The eye sees a history can method no longer persistence, Xiao cloud turns head to signal hint to the Yan Er plum Han head.Hence 2 people then and in a hurry big debt, toward the officers and men of outside notify go to.
The eye sees 2 people leave of figure, history can method heart in though uneasy, can also the officers and men that can hope underneath really such as that sort that Xiao cloud talks is self-made.However in the history can method is outside of when the situation is jittery but listen to after death have been just giving first aid for Sun Lou of Delhi thou Si absolute being just and suddenly long long the ground sighed tone.Sees him is carefully a dew over blood after, wiped to wipe perspiration, turned round to walk to many will get in front.It is public to see a form also immediately round to come up.Have already hurtled to the thou Si absolute being in Delhi by erratic first one of Yao gold in front to anxiously ask a way just:"Absolute being just, is prime minister's adult what's the matter?Whether need what miracle drug wonder drug?I have already sent person to buy a medicine to each village city defense.What ginseng, the flowery knotweed is still a snow lotus.Want ~only absolute being just you demand, we can definitely make.Please must save our prime minister's adults!"
Face Yao gold some inconsequential words, thou Si absolute being in Delhi just but just helplessly shook to shake head.He doesn't know that the valuable herb medicines in the of Yao gold actually can have much function.But be used as a surgery doctor Delhi thou Si absolute being just know to have a matter is have to to public explain.Hence next settled decision of he, turn but raise head a facial expression again the openings way is seriously:"Each general, now was the time that you decide."
"Make decision?Make what decision!?"Drive thou Si absolute being in Delhi just so on saying, in the public heart immediately a tight, immediately rounded to come up to inquire a way.
"Pull out arrows."Thou Si absolute being in Delhi just a word say.
"Pull out arrows!"The unanimous opinion calls way of public, Cha of face peeped out a surprised facial expression.But see Gao Yi Gong's first one of one side a wave hand the way of Rang Rang:"You this old hair don't be ridiculous.Is this arrows to say to pull out and then pull out.Lao Tze leads troops to fight for several years, various condition of the injury saw many.The elephant prime minister's adult thus heavy of condition of the injury's, once pulling out arrows, making not good life immediately don't protect!"
"Yes, virtuous Related articles:

