
beats by dre also suffered tight

The soldier of the righteousness, Liu Huai De and department Ma Cheng Zhen, monk is a line of, the beam make Zan.Still have Zhang De Ming and Cao ambition the male is two Long west ground the good Jiang call.Way:"It is each.Just I enter a temple.Emperor to big Tang future ground the situation carry on some kind of deployment.The emperor thinks.After big Tang Da drops Turkic person.Big food will hasty.Will start out battalion to get into nasty fight to Western Regions.As a result.Western Regions will face biggest pressure.
"Ground circumstance in Western Regions.You are to know ground.It isn't big Tang to have no real strenght.But because of road not Chang.Supplying a luck isn't past.The battalion parties doesn't go up,beats by dre.Deciding destiny ground in Western Regions is a road.Want to fix an ability to tunnel road in Western Regions need cement.The cement more and early starts in more good.Not I treat!Teacher piece and Cao teacher.You when intend to go to Long west?"
After these world researches with experiment.The cement makes a technique basically mature.Can start work.Just.The weather is very cold now.Even if went to Long the west can not have, either Be.The Zhang De Ming and Cao ambition male is stunned speechless a while:"This ……"
Chen Wan Rong immediately after way:"Emperor to the viewpoint of Western Regions, I also agree with.The big food is after all a big country, can't elephant the small country is that sort, fear because big Tang obtains great victory, they will the dog urgently jump a wall.For stabilizing Western Regions, the emperor decides to send the comfortable general of elder brother leads reinforcement to rush through to Western Regions.The elder brother comfortable general accepts order today, tomorrow will start on journey.If 2 can of words, and elder brother comfortable general a, with battalion since go, all the way looks after."
"Tomorrow?"Zhang De Ming although they know urgency of cement, however, they after all aren't soldiers, have no toward accepting order consciousness that the Xi leads a way, not from must ponder
"This has to tell toward the family individual!"Cao ambition the male is wrinkly eyebrows way.
Heng eyebrows in the leaf sky is one Ning, words:"Tu son, we the arms Jian also want to report a country.The imperial government needs, you can not bite, malicious cruel, endure the matter of those young people's all-consuming loves?"
He one words, Zhang De and Cao ambition male 2 people changed right away:"Is all right, we tomorrow walk, go together with battalion."
The Chen glory late nods a way:"2 has this idea very good.Still have, give your good work, must also make them prepare for a while.Your family also go to Long west with you.The emperor said that arrived Long the west set up work building right away, can not delay."
"Trust, we definitely do like!"The Cao ambition male claps a chest to promise.
Liu Huai De says with smile:"General Chen, the elder brother comfortable general goes to Western Regions, you by all means have this artillery general very well favour?You rush through the big camp handle a soldier to work, the affair here handed over to us."
Zhang De Ming and Liu Huai Des just lead the way of, go to Long with them the west still have a group of craftsmanses, thinking of these people want to work to also want to do.If Chen Wan Rong comes to do, not is can not, just the soldier work be about to mismanage.Liu Huai De thus arranges again well however, Chen the glory late nod a way:"Thus, thank each."
"Small friend, we still use wear polite?You leave quickly!, I ain't to rush through you to walk, you don't be over-sensitive."Heng in the leaf sky presses.
End, afraid Chen Wan Rong over sensitive, not
The Chong is 1, stir to win public support person's cachinnation.
Chen Wan Rong also not much says, slightly on handing over to treat, ride a green flower, rush through the big camp of Long Wu Jun.
On arriving to the big camp of Long Wu Jun, Chen Wan Rong feels different atmosphere, today's Long Wu Jun with usually different, current joy and expectation, there is also regret.
To Long Wu Jun, Chen Wan Rong is understand very much, their loyalty has no two, the everyone looks forward to up the battlefield.But, Anne from teacher in guard city's big term presses on their shoulders and ascends battlefield to them, that is just a kind of extravagance, dream.
Go to Western Regions this time, Li Long Ji took out to adjust 3,000 dragon Wu Jun, this is lucky, and is a regret to Long Wu Jun.Lucky BE, this is Long Wu Jun's honor.Regret of BE, companion last battlefield, but they have no opportunity.
The place that arrives at elder brother comfortable Han processing official business hasn't come in, hear the Ge blessing follow the dissatisfied voice is from the house in spread:"Elder brother comfortable general, do you say what matter all of this are?I, Ge blessing agreeable Xin, a Chinese family name is hard bitterness of choose soldier, again train them crack, haven't taken out a title, pick for you to walk.
"First is that the set set up artillery, the empress picks to Western Regions.A pick is several big thousand, Long Wu Jun has how many several big thousand?You say!"
For the sake of Long Wu Jun, the Ge blessing agreeable fee devoted, but, in the end, but did for others to marry dress, only the set set up artillery to pick to walk 4,000 people and picked again 3,000 Western Regions, this approached a half.Don't say that the Ge blessing is agreeable, changes to make a whichever person, be placed in his circumstance under, is also suffered tight.
The elder brother comfortable Han very comprehends his mood, open a say with smile:"Ge general, you need not angry, you should feel joy just right!"
"Is happy!Happy bird!"The Ge blessing fluently scolds get up:"I am bitter Long Wu Jun of the hard bitterness training, in the end, not just cheapness you.Is cheap general Chen first, now again the comfortable general of cheap your elder brother!Hum, world, have no truth like this!"
"Ge general, you again the at the back said a person!"Chen Wan Rong greatly treads to come in.
Is inclined Chen Wan Rong's one eye, the Ge blessing follows to fumingly sit on the chair and even disappears gifts.Once Chen Wan Rong conjecture, sees agreeable facial expression of Ge blessing not very good-looking, the beard keeps raising, good elephant Chen the glory late lend his rice and returned his bran.
Chen Wan Rong ha ha on smiling, at Ge blessing agreeable shoulders a clap:"Ge general, you train Long Wu Jun to spend numerous strenuous efforts, Long Wu Jun just has today a sort to achieve, and emperor issues order to take out to adjust Long Wu Jun, that is your honor."
"Is little to come!I the Ge someone has no so big belly quantity!"Ge blessing once the agreeable right hand flick, didn't like spirit very much:"Wait you to train artillery, adjusted again to the other people, don't do your fart matter, are you happy?"
Chen Wan Rong's smiling face doesn't reduce a way:"That also uses to say, the in the mind will also scold, even if my face is up smiling, this kind of affair, who can bear with?"
The facial expression that the Ge blessing follows is slightly good, Chen Wan Rong immediately after way:"Ge general, my pouring is to have an idea, since make Long Wu Jun have battle to beat, also be unlikely to let the amount of Long Wu Juns decrease, more important, you the strenuous effort of Ge general be unlikely to waste."
"Is little to flatter!"The Ge blessing fluently disagrees:"You say again good, I can't give your one more Long Wu Jun, either."
Yang Si is a bit hard to believe, ask a way:"General Chen, you really have two whole way?"
The Chen glory late nods, in all seriousness of way:"While just coming in, I thoughted of an idea.You think that this dragon Wu Jun is really friendly, but, adjust to walk today a , tomorrow take out again to adjust to walk a , time a long, Long Wu Jun is still Long Wu Jun?So, this problem must solve.Before, I didn't also think and just listenned to Ge general grievance, I thoughted of a way."
Ge blessing agreeable eyes put light, stare at Chen Wan Rong and hesitate to ask a way:"General Chen, do you really have a way?"
The Chen glory late shakes head a way:"Have no, I cheat yours."A bottom is sat down, smile don't smile of looking at Ge blessing agreeable.
The Ge blessing agreeable fire burns a bottom sort to spring up and hurtles to Chen Wan Rong front of, shake Chen Wan Rong's shoulders way:"General Chen, you say quickly, you say quickly!General Chen, my good general, the Ge blessing follows of ancestor, you grant one secret master plan!I begged you!"
Once Chen Wan Rong's head be partial to and ask a way:"Really say?"
"Really say!"The Ge blessing fluently puts out strength to nod.
Chen Wan Rong's eyes Zheng is getting bigger:"I say can, however, you forbid to scold Niang."
"As long as you really have way, you are my dad, my scolding you isn't filial!"The Ge blessing followed this horse fart to clap a bit disgustingly.
The Chen glory late nods a way:"Temporary believe you once.Ge general, you should give the emperor last book, the emperor adjusts Long Wu Jun to the battlefield up!"
"Shut up!What baloney!"Ge blessing's following has never liked spirits very much of drink to scold.
"My words didn't talk, you don't over there blind Rang Rang."The Chen glory late keeps on keeping him from scolding:"These are the brotherses of Long Wu Jun up the opportunity of battlefield, you thousand Related articles:

